Consider the Markov chain with state space S={0,1,2,…} and transition probabilities: p(i,j)={p,j=i+1q,j=00,otherwise where p,q>0 and p+q=1.1. This Markov chain counts the lengths of runs of heads in a sequence of independent coin tosses. Let Ty=min{n≥1:Xn=y} be the time of the first return to y.
Consider the Ehrenfest chain with N particles. Suppose X0=0, i.e., initially all the particles are on the right. Let T0 be the first time all the particles end up on the right again. Let Ty=min{n≥1:Xn=y} be the time of the first return to y. Calculate E0(T0)=E(T0|X0=0), the conditional expectation of T0 given X0=0.
Hint. For this problem, you may assume that the stationary distribution of the Ehrenfest chain is the binomial distribution Bin(N,1/2). This is can be checked directly from the definition of stationary distributions. It also pertains to the subject of the detailed balance condition.
For the reflected random walk with p=q=1/2 , let N>0 be fixed, and consider g(x)=ExV0,N where Ex(⋅)=E(⋅|X0=x) and V0,N=min{n≥0|Xn=0 or Xn=N}. Show that g(x)=Nx−x2 for 0<x<N.
For this problem, it is useful to know that two events A and B are conditionally independent given a third event C if P(A∩B|C)=P(A|C)⋅P(B|C).
Let P be a stochastic matrix with the given eigenvalues. Say whether the Markov chain described by P
Let P be an N×N doubly stochastic matrix, and suppose the corresponding Markov chain (Xn) is irreducible. Show that (Xn) satisfies the detailed balance condition if and only if P is a symmetric matrix.
This generalizes Example 2.2 from Durrett's book
A submarine has n parts which fail according to the exponential distributions with rates λj), j=1,2,…,n. The submarine fails when two or more of those parts fail.
A gadget has 4 parts which fail according to the exponential distributions with rates λj, j=1,2,3,4. The gadget fails when all 4 parts fail.
Betty needs to get to work quickly. She runs to the bus stop where she can catch a bus, or take a taxi. The time to the next bus arrival is uniformly distributed and the buses arrive every 12 minutes. The taxis arrive according to the Poisson process with the rate of 5 taxicabs per hour. Thus, the time to the next taxicab arrival is exponentially distributed.
Let T1 and T2 be the time to the arrival of the next bus and the next taxicab, respectively. Let V be the time Betty waited for her transportation and I=1,2 depending whether she took the bus or the taxicab.
For any integer n>0 and real t>0, let U1,U2,…,Un be independent uniform random variables on [0,t]. Let Vn=max(U1,U2,…,Un).
A crooked die is one that yields the score on one of its 6 faces with uneven probability. We roll the die repeatedly and independently, modeled by an IID sequence X1, X2, …. Let Sn=n∑j=1Xj be the total score of n rolls. Let pk=P(X1=k),k=1,2,…,6 be the relevant portion of the pmf of Xn and, for fixed n, let qk=P(Sn=k),j=n,n+1,…,6n be the relevant portion of the pmf of Sn.
Write a function in R or Python or Octave which finds all probabilities in several independent rolls of this die.
The function accepts two arguments:
As Python has 0-based indexing, assume that the vectors passed are actually (pj)6j=0 and (qj)6nj=0, padded with zeros at the beginning. For instance, a standard fair die has
p == [0, 1/6, 1/6, 1/6, 1/6, 1/6, 1/6]
Both R and Octave/MATLAB have 1-based
indexing. However, You will be still passed the padding, i.e.
for both R and Octave the array p can be defined by:
Since P(X1=0)=0, this means that p[1]==0.
When returning q from your function you must observe a similar convention, whereby the first n entries of q are 0 (regardless of the programming language).
Your file must be called "" or "crooked.R" or "crooked_die.m", and have the following function in it in Python (auxillary functions may also be present):
import numpy;
def crooked_die(p, n):
# Your code here
# ...
return q
and in R:
crooked.die <- function(p, n) {
# Your code here
# ...
And in Octave:
function ret = crooked_die(p, n)
% Your code here
% ...
ret = something
Your code will not be able to install or require any add-on packages, only the base code of R and Python, with one exception: for Python I provided the 'numpy' library.
Submit the file to Gradescope assignment 'Week0-programming-py' or 'Week0-programming-r' depending on the language of your choice. Upon submission, your program will be autograded. You will see the results and will be able to resubmit until all errors go away.
Let Xn, n=0,1,2,…, be the branching process of Example 1.8 on page 6 in the book.
Write a function in your chosen programming language that finds the probability of becoming absorbed at 0, assuming that generation 0 has m members. That is, what is the probability of the family name becoming extinct in generation n, given that m males have the family name at time 0?
Assume that an individual may have Y descendents and that the probability P(Y=k)=pk where k=0,1,2,…,K where K is finite. For testing purposes, you may assume K≤10.
The signature of your function should be:
import numpy;
def prob_of_extinction(p, m, n):
# Your code here
# ...
return q
and in R:
prob.of.extinction <- function(p, m, n) {
# Your code here
# ...
And in Octave:
function ret = prob_of_extinction(p, m, n)
% Your code here
% ...
ret = something
Your submission file should be named "" (Python) or "branching.R" (R) or "prob_of_extinction.m" (Octave).
NOTE: This problem is related to Example 1.31 on page 36 in the book.
The geometric distribution (one of the two variants) is given by the formula for its pmf: P(X=x)=π(x)=θx(1−θ),x=0,1,2,…. where θ∈(0,1) is the probability of failure.
The book outlines the method of sapling from this distribution when θ is close to 1. The essence of the method is to use Metropolis-Hastings algorithm with the uniform proposal distribution q(x,x+i)=12L+1,i=−L,−L+1,…,L−1,L. where L=O(θ1−θ) is the expectation of X.
Find the formula for the transition matrix p(x,y), x,y∈Z (thus, design a Markov chain with infinite state space S=Z) such that π(x) satisfies the detailed balance condition for p(x,y): π(x)p(x,y)=π(y)p(y,x).
Your solution will be in a file "" or "geomsampler.R". You will write two functions.
The first function will find the probability p(x,y), with signature in Python:
import numpy as np;
def geom_sampler_p(theta, x, y, L = np.round(theta/(1-theta))):
# Your code here that makes ret = p(x,y) as described
return ret
and in R:
geom.sampler.p <- function(theta, x, y, L = round(theta/(1-theta))) {
# Your code here that makes ret = p(x,y) as described
# ...
The second function will sample from the distribution π(x).
import numpy as np;
def geom_sampler_sample(theta, n, L = np.round(theta/(1-theta))):
# Your code here that makes ret
# to be a vector of n random numbers distributed
# according to pi(x).
return ret
and in R:
geom.sampler.sample <- function(theta, n, L = round(theta)/(1-theta)) {
# Your code here that makes ret
# to be a vector of n random numbers distributed
# according to pi(x).
Somewhere you will store the current state, say x. Start with x=0. If n≤0 is passed to your sampler function, instead of generating random sample, reset the state to x=0 and return empty vector. This is a way to seed your sampler without introducing another function.
In your code you must may use the Linear Congruential Generator provided
by the instructor, so that the results are reproducible in both
Python and R with all (binary) digits identical.
When choosing the jump size i to jump from x to x+i,
where i∈{l,l+1,…,r}, follow this procedure:
rng = lrng();
s = rng.real()
NOTE: Now you can also use the built-in random number generator, which in Python means:
import numpy as np
s = np.random.uniform()
and in R it means
s <- runif(1)
NOTE: Using lrng will make your code slower because built-in functions
in Python and especially in R are faster in general. However, in reality, lrng
can be much faster than the built-in random number generator based on a method
such as "Mersenne Twister".
Do not seed the random number generator, I will seed it for you. Do not use burnin and do not skip samples (unlike in my demo code for Example 1.31). Do start at state x=0.
Consider the following variation of M/M/Q queue. A bank has s tellers. Customers arrive at a rate λ. The service time is exponentially distributed with rate μ. When all servers are busy, a customer waits in line for the next available teller.
The new rule is that a customer that waits in line may choose to leave at any time with rate η. That is, if a customer is currently waiting in-line, she may leave after time t∼Expon(η).
Write a function
The R code should have a function
markovsim <- function(y0=0, t=1, lambda=1, mu=1, eta = 1, n.servers = 2) {
implemented in the file "markovsim.R" which shall be submitted through Gradescope.
Likewise, Python should have a function
def markovsim(y0=0, t=1, lambd=1, mu=1, eta=1, n_servers = 2):
return [T,Y]
in the file "" to be submitted through Gradescope.
NOTE: the name "lambd" is not misspelled! Now "lambda" is a reserved keyword in Python, so you cannot use it as a variable.
The returned vectors T and Y should contain the event times and states as in the starter code.